Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old



  • The Asters are Out Again

    The asters are out again, just in time for my birthday.

    And each year on this day, I look back and wonder how a person can change so much, and how without thinking I suddenly am who I am.

  • An Inbetween

    Autumn sculpts the land,

    casting away Summer, 

    but through the cracks in the clay, 

    whispers of Summer haunt the day.

    The suns ray's seep down,

    casting the red and orange leaves a glow.  

  • Willow

    This is an empty house, 
    A house that's lost its soul. 
    The laughter and joy that once echoed through it, 
    Faded away with time and age. 

  • Darkness

    Standing in the streets, 
    The darkness of the city lights 
    Washes over you. 

    The joy of the summer fades, 
    The sorrow of the fall is a current feeling. 

  • Decisions

    Four corners set each way, 
    And I still sit in the box. 
    The left could sin me, 
    Right could win me, 
    Front or back could block. 
    I could become a famous tool, 
    Or infamously triumph, 

  • Bullets on Bikes

    Pikeville, Kentucky was small, but Zach and Ben were smaller. Bullets on bikes, zipping around, everywhere at once. Always there for dinner, but gone before the first dish made it into the sink.