When In Bloom

     The dogwood blooms later 
this year and marks the tardy rebirth 
of the earth, our home, beautifying 
after a dreadful winter purge. 

The flowers drop their pinkish petals, 
     the dogwood blooms later 
but it is still just as elegant as 
an orchid sitting in tranquil solitude.

It stands its ground like a graceful 
Bonzai, but holds the power of an oak tree. 
     The dogwood blooms later 
and it makes a mosaic piece in the garden.

It knows of the horrors beyond its view 
and senses the tremors of its mother, 
but remains stoic and grows; nonetheless, 
     the dogwood blooms later. 

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.

Sawyer Fell


19 years old

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