to all the mothers that came before me
Mother, your heart is a tragedy,
& your family tree a well of pain.
I think all daughters inherit their wounds
From their mothers before them.
Gaping gashes are our inheritance, -
icarus falling
There are so many poems about icarus. i
suppose we all imagine we know what it feels like to burn,
the first time i read that story i simply flipped to the next page,
if i wanted to hear of another pretend man who fell to hubris -
an ode to an aching space
I hold my mangled tongue
Inside of my mouth
My teeth were always daggers
Waiting to fall out
I spit blood in the sink
And my reflection stares back
Like she knows what i’ve done -
Unfolding (early)
To have your pages open
in a third grade classroom was
what I wished for every birthday.
While they filled me with percentages
of a heritage, -
please (i can't breathe)
please, (I can't breathe)
i don't know if any of us
have been able to grieve in a while,
i sit in my room and watch the country
go up in flames, as it turns out, -
a collection of things in my room
i have always liked pretty things,
so i painted over my body in acrylics.
i have always wanted a corner bed so i moved it,
there are fairy lights around me