


19 years old


  • Lost but not Forever

    I stood at the edge of the shore, the waves hitting my feet. I stared out into the foggy morning. It had been twenty-four hours since she had left. Gone. Forever. And it was all my fault.
  • The Cliff

        I run through the woods, my hands trailing on the foliage along the sides of the packed down trail. The trail had been used by me, my mother, and her mother, and so on and on. It led to a small magical place where I felt safe.
  • Humor

    If I could describe humor I would say humor is a quality that people have that makes them seem funny to other people. Humor is something people have that makes them a funny and lighthearted person.
  • The man with the Sign

    I walked down the stone steps, my heels clicking against it. My paste pink dress swung gently back and forth because of the cool September wind. I stood at the bottom of the steps waiting for my little sister. She came jumping down the stairs.
  • How We Lost

    Just us. That was how it had always been. Seven of us mice living in an old house just outside of town. We had been there since before I could remember. Everything was perfect. We lived in quiet and peace.
  • Who I am

    Shyness...It has always lurked around me. Surrounding me throughout my entire life. It had been there through the worst and best times. I’d always hoped it would go away but it never seemed to fade. It attracted unwanted behavior sometimes.