Morgan D

Morgan D


18 years old


  • The super dance

    My dog has a super dance. No you did not read that wrong. My dog is a beagle and every morning he barks and runs all around the yard. When we got him we had a very long argument about what to name him.
  • The exploding person

    On june 3rd of 2043, it was the middle of the summer. Everyone was having fun on the beach, making sand castles and having picnics, except for me. I am the one kid who was smart enough to stay indoors on that hot sunny summer day.
  • What I am grateful for...

    I am grateful for many things in my life. My mother and father have always taken care of me and have watched me succeed and fail and no matter what they have always loved and welcomed me back.
  • The SHP project

    Howard loved the outdoors. He loved the trees, the animals, and he mostly loved the fact that there were no houses or buildings or anything around that would ruin this perfect view. He had the misfortune of being chosen for a test run of sorts.
  • The basement

    Johnny was moving into his new house with his parents. It was an old creaky house without any electricity. They moved to this house because Johnny’s father got a new job and their old house was too far away.