The basement

Johnny was moving into his new house with his parents. It was an old creaky house without any electricity. They moved to this house because Johnny’s father got a new job and their old house was too far away.

“Dad,” Johnny said “why do we have to move here?”

“Because Johnny it is closer to my job and more convenient for you,” Johnny's dad said while patting him on the head “to get to school,” Johnny grunted and walked to get his suitcase. They enter the old home. Johnny knocked on the door and it slowly creaked open. They enter the home and start to explore the old house. Five minutes later Johnny is sitting in his room in an old chair on the top floor. 

“I am going to get groceries, ok?” Johnny's mother called from downstairs.

“Ok!” Johnny yelled back to her. 

Ten minutes later he hears his mom call “Johnny,” 

“Yeah mom?”

“Johnny come here” he looks out the window but doesn’t see his parents' car. 


“Down here in the basement,” He wanders down to the basement and looks down, but all he sees is his mother's face, in the dark  basement.
News report: 

“Young Johnny has been reported missing by his parents. He has been missing for over 3 hours now. Locals say that they did not hear anything that could suggest a robbery or a kidnaping. The mother and father of young Johnny in tears as they lose their only son.”


Morgan D


18 years old

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