


14 years old


  • I try too hard

    I should just let the sun set 
    I shouldn't try so hard 
    Just to stay stuck in the same place 
    I still have time 
    To sit and watch the stars 
    I shouldn't be in a rush to grow old 

  • Youth

    When I was younger and I would watch movies,

    The end of them would always linger.

    Like a taste;

    Too sour for the bright of mankind,

  • Older

    I don't understand 
    How you never will get older 
    How you will stay the same in my mind 
    For the rest of time 

    And I will continue to get older 
    And I will soon 
    One day grow old 

  • We Are All Human

    This is the most human feeling we have 
    To experience what it is to be 
    Is to experience a life of the unexpected 
    The unknown 

    It's very human to want more