


14 years old


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  • Two Years Ago

    I remember

    Almost two years ago now

    I remember it quite clearly

    By the vent where cool air was blowing

    Thinking I’ll never see this place again.

    I look at the classroom around me.

    5th grade.

  • Creative writing club

    I got requested for creative writing club

    So I decided to try it 

    We get food and get to write 

    Whatever we feel like 

    I wasn't sure about going at first 

    But now I'm not sure why I wasn't sure

  • Fragile

    Spring is a blossom crushed 

    Unbeknownst to you, in your clammy palm. 

    It’s a season made of glass, 

    Fragile, disintegrating 

    Like the April showers filling 

    Cracks in the pavement.