


17 years old


  • Winter Is Coming

    A Haiku Done In Class;

    The birds are preparing,
    For the cold winter freeze at last,
    And snow is coming.

    It is brewing in,
    The clouds are stormy and dark,
    The leaves have fallen.

    The sky is cool gray,
  • The picturesque

    She had never seen anything so magnificent in her life.
    It was so vibrant and beautiful,
    Basking in the sun,
    With its arms reaching up towards the sky.
    The branches were lean and covered in beautiful red leaves.
  • Fighting

    The push and pull,
    Battling with the enemy,
    The liar,
    The one who betrayed,
    Just hoping you come out victorious,
    Going back into the ring every day.
    The one who broke you,
    The one whom you trusted,
  • Flames

    I'm always air,
    Calm, cool, collected,
    Always going with the flow,
    Following whatever path life sends me on,
    Every now and then,
    I'm not air,
    I'm fire,
    Not pure and simple,
    But hot,
    Burning flames,
  • Light Up The Darkness

    Once upon a time, there was only darkness. Forever and ever. Never-ending darkness. It was just a shady, dull night named Balthazar. He consumed everything, leaving only the oblivion of black nothingness.