lila woodard

lila woodard


YWP Alumni


  • The room above my birth

    there’s still an indent,
    where the tan fabric used to hang,
    and there remains
    a tint of greeen, below the pink,
    above the orange.
    small phantom footsteps 
    discovering the pressure points beneath the rug.
  • thumb pick

    i wish i knew you. 

    god, i’ve heard so much. 

    i don’t know your eye color 


    somehow i always feel guilty 

    when people ask 


    and i know i was there 
  • thursday

    the street lights aren’t bright enough to distill my fear 
    (it’s only seven fifty-three p.m.)
             a female figure in a buttonless coat.
  • nightlight

    i feel the fear of missing out 

    lying between my ligaments 

    they pull against the bed frame

    where i am tethered 

    my bones vibrate with the wind curling around my curtains 
  • bug zappers

    you were the only one 
    who never told me 
    i couldn't do something. 
    and then you did. 
    and told me you hadn't. 
    i have thought you many things,
    a liar was not one. 