lila woodard

lila woodard


YWP Alumni


  • since 2010

    you’ve done so much for me. 

    most of it isn’t you doing things like giving me a gift or whatever, it’s you being there when i need you

    it’s the relief i felt at just seeing your face.
  • happy birthday

    i haven’t cried this hard since that one black haired guy broke that blonde girls heart in that one teen romance movie i marginally liked. 

    but this is different because i feel so stupid. 

    so god damn stupid. 
  • her

    i know i should save her,

    as her life lines fray. 

    but her wicked and uncertain fingers 

    weave an unpleasant tale. 

    it’s easy to preach from 

    inside of a church,
  • Apostle

    he was my guidance,

    the flame that lit my soul.

    His slightly tanned hands molded me from a

    lump of cold clay.

    He shaped me, a linguistic michael angelo,

    he carved my mind with his mellifluous words;