


20 years old


  • Our Dynamic

    The day was slowly turning itself over and giving into the cold lustrous hands we call night.

    More customers come rushing in.

    Squeaking the doors a bit more with each push.

    My mother waltzes around from table to booth.
  • Behind Closed Lids

    The moment my upper eyelid connects to my lower lid

    Is the moment all my thoughts come rushing at me,

    Each taking a jab at my brain,

    One after the other.

    But most of the jabs attack me in the form of a question,
  • Start Boosting

    Beneath a student’s daunting, distressed-looking exterior,

    Underneath all the folds of night studying and restless sleeps,

    There’s a pulse of goodness within 

    That arises when a student takes action with their heart.
  • If Not Now, When?

    If not now, when?

    When will humankind come to the realization that we don’t have a planet B to go to,

    When will we open our eyes to the destruction we’re still continuing to cause,