Forever young

Forever young


18 years old


  • The Queen of the sand

    Her hair is a glowing golden sea
    her eyes as blue as her ocean home
    her ruby red lips have been carved from gemstones
    and her delicate skin shaped by the waves
    She rules her kingdom with beauty and grace
  • Deep Regret

    Sometimes its always on my mind
    sometimes its easy to forget.
    But when I am reminded it hits me like a heavy stone
    a violent gust of wind
    and I am horrified of how I could have forgotten
    it is the elephant in the room

  • The Cycle

    The barren and iced branches of the tree
    slowly began to drip,
    falling onto the lightly frosted ground
    without a sound.
    The pale white sky slowly fades to a clear blue,
    giving the world a touch of color
  • Being human

    Maybe we all don't see the same colors
    Maybe we all don't have the same fears
    Maybe we all don't have the same political veiws
    Maybe we all don't have the same color of skin
    Maybe we all don't have the same practiced culture