Sometimes its always on my mind
sometimes its easy to forget.
But when I am reminded it hits me like a heavy stone
a violent gust of wind
and I am horrified of how I could have forgotten
it is the elephant in the room
but some continue to deny.
Why do they continue to ignore it?
Is it because they are scared?
Or angry?
These questions fill my head
every time I remember.
stubborness is something I understand, sometimes
but not when it comes to our entire planet slowly heating up over time
slowly annihilating all living life
until nothing is left for the polar bears
summer or winter
to stand or live on
until we have nothing to iceskate on
because it will be too warm
I also speak directly to our president
who I respectfully and honorably but totally disagree with
Climate change is real
and soon it will be one of your deepest regrets
Deep Regret
More by Forever young
How can I write
What do I write about
people are dying
people are mistreated
people are misguided
people are screaming
people are crying
people are morning
people are shouting
people are angry
I say "people" -
George Floyd
Warning: violent actions and death is described.
One upon a time, there was a man named George Floyd.
He moved to Minneapolis, parting from long time friends and family. -
Covid Anthem
Our world is on repeat
until everything is better
Our lives are going to be the same
until everything is better
The same frequency over and over again
lulling us to sleep.
Endless nightshifts and worries
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