


14 years old


  • By EvieC


    "Don't leave the clouds."
    That's what they all say.
    But I wonder...
    What is so bad about the things that are in the outside world?


  • By EvieC

    The Sunrise

    The sunrise,
    a beautiful thing.
    It's as if the horizon is breaking free,
    as if it's like the earth and the sun are star-crossed lovers,
    always close yet so far apart.
    The feeling is ...
    like an embrace,

  • By EvieC

    Hope Is...

    “Hope is the thing with feathers / That perches in the soul, / And sings the tune without the words, / And never stops at all.”

    "Hope is a thing with featers."

  • By EvieC

    The Forgotten Doll

    I sit alone on the wooden shelf that was once made long ago.
    Waiting for her to find me again.
    Wating for her to play with me again.
    I wait.
    I wait.
    And I wait...
    Soon, it looks as another few years had gone by...

  • By EvieC

    An Unfolding Path

    You are born.
    A shining star full of possibilities,
    But also little stars inside of you waiting ...
    A voice.
    A perspective.
    A heart.
    Waiting to be found.
    Longing to be part of one shining star.
    A star that's 

  • By EvieC


    You work on something.

    Something that took time.
    Hard work.
    A different perspective.
    Maybe trust...

    You try to show it.