


17 years old


  • The faces in the pumpkins

    He finds his leaf, he finds his fame,

    In the spotlight, he is arranged.

    Or so he was when this first began,

    But now it's too much 

    So in private, he stands.

    He stands with himself, 

  • The boy in the shadows

    Day and night he awaits his moment,  

    never applauded, never appreciated,  

    never in the spotlight. 

    He longs for a time 

    when he is recognized for his mind, 

  • More than what meets the eye

    In the eyes of a coin, the life is pretty simple 

    Sitting in jars filled with pennies and nickels 

    Used to infer a trait of indecisiveness 

    Often people only really notice their likeness 


  • More than what meets the eye

    In the eyes of a coin, the life is pretty simple 

    Sitting in jars filled with pennies and nickels 

    Used to infer a trait of indecisiveness 

    Often people only really notice their likeness