


16 years old


  • FaceTime tonight?

    three years ago.
    three years I spent
    your name on the tip of my tongue, traced down my throat,
    washed out with bitter disbelief. 
    I never paid you any attention during the first few days. 
    you weren't quiet though. 
  • Cleaning Dirty Habits

    Fourty six dark days and disposable knights,
    I struggle to stay above the surface.
    Monotone pain and short lived delights,
    I struggle to find a purpose. 

    I would cut out my heart and wear it on my sleeve. 
  • clawing at the ceiling

    I cry to the congregation, Hebrew enveloping my tongue.
    Rasped and weak, yet I bellow, 
    cradling my beast of religion. 
    The sterling silver weight I branded on my chest prides me,
  • Gowanus

    Water, you run through me. Suffocate and sweep my lungs.
    my chipped nail polish canvassed against the curve of 
    your spine. Cold taxi cabs, your hand on my thigh.
    you cut me with your lethal words, and you dare
    to kiss 
  • Sinking.

    (more of a 2am rant than a poem- a little dramatic and unedited to fit how i was feeling)

    If only i could artfully rest my scarred body in your arms
    While you hold me, and tell me that we’re