


16 years old


  • A Kingdom Unknown

    I sit at the edge of the long stretch of rocks, peering at the sea. Only it isn't just the sea, it is a home to creatures who probably have another life-one where they look at us and wonder what ours are like. This is the animal kingdom.
  • The Really Cheap Mouthwash

    Carnivals. They aren’t bad, but I feel jumbled and confused. Right away, the Jaws theme songs plays in my head and the color orange dances around in my head. Clowns. Oh great. I hate clowns. I taste mouthwash-the really cheap kind.
  • The Sun Sets With Tears

    Her silhouette next to the sunset is the perfect image. But at the wrong time. She doesn’t speak. The only part of her that moves is her feet, slowly dragging along the dock. Alyssa follows but I pull her back.
  • Nightmare or Is it Real?

    I wake up to a vast, open land. Or maybe I'm dreaming. Rubbing my eyes, I see nothing familiar. Where am I? Ok. I think to myself. Wake up. But, I don't. I splash myself with the cold water from the lake in front of me.
  • In Pieces

     I don't know how long this has been happening. Days, hours or even seconds. Huddled in the basement, all of us. We all are crying softly, like if we cry louder, the storm will raise its voice too.