A Kingdom Unknown

I sit at the edge of the long stretch of rocks, peering at the sea. Only it isn't just the sea, it is a home to creatures who probably have another life-one where they look at us and wonder what ours are like. This is the animal kingdom. Each species thinks it is the king, but they never stop to consider who we are. This is mostly out of unknown selfishness. All of us want to rule this earth-although we don't know it. I wonder if other animals study us, like we study them. Does anyone think about the other species-what are their viewpoints on us and our world? Maybe they have their own language! Or even lifestyles! Completely different but similar to ours! Of course animals will make sounds and live differently from us-but what if they were more sophisticated than we thought!?! How does their world operate different from ours?



16 years old

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