


19 years old


  • Little light

    Something was shining in the tree,
    Gleaming in the sun.
    It wriggled with such might
    that I stopped to look.
    Though it was snared on the limbs, 
    I could still make out its round body,
    A balloon.
  • The Breath of the Dawn

    Amid the boulders
    It sits on silent haunches
    Eyes piercing through the foliage
    A brown creature sleeps
    Fawn curled by its neck
    In the early morning light
    They rest in the brush
    Calling a patch of moss their bed
  • The Importance of Your Voice

    Sitting in class
    Their back resting on the blue plastic of their chair
    They know the topic
    Breathed the research like air
    Felt the words soak into their heart
    Like butter on bread
    Listening to the opinion of others
  • A Place I Call My Home

    The grass grows green.
    In a place I call my home.
    Shining bright in the morning sun.
    Glistening with dew.
    It grows over hills.
    Spreading far enough to kiss the leaves in the forest.
    A timid frog hops between the blades.
  • The river

    There's a river by my house
    snaking through the pines,
    ducking under the bridge.
    In the summer,
    its murky waters turn brown,
    as chilled as ice
    even on a hot day.
    Crayfish scurry over algae-covered rocks.
  • The Girl on the Bus

    A baby cried
    Tucked under a mother's bouncing arm
    Two old women talked
    Their coin purses pinched between gloved fingers
    A boy graffitied his name on the window
    A girl stuck her gum under the armrest
    Clearly tired with the flavor