The Breath of the Dawn

Amid the boulders
It sits on silent haunches
Eyes piercing through the foliage
A brown creature sleeps
Fawn curled by its neck
In the early morning light
They rest in the brush
Calling a patch of moss their bed
The drooling jaws hide in the shadows
Ears folded back
Making the beast a silver bullet of the dawn
Creeping forward on quiet paws
A rustling breeze snakes through the valley
Bringing word of the beast 
Whispering to the sleeping creature
Get up
For time to sleep has ended
Get up I say
The sleeper awakes with a jolt of fear
Scampering off with the fawn into the brambles
The beast slinks back into the shadows
Cursing the wind
Resuming his place in the dark
Amid the boulders



19 years old

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