


15 years old


  • on and on, forever

    My eyes: a mirror 
    Seeing your face over and over, hundreds of times.
    My ears: recorders 
    Playing what you said over and over, thousands of times.
    My mouth: a ladle 

  • The wait is worth it

    You wait and wait 
    for days and days
    and when it's time 
    you brace yourself 
    and repeat the line 
    20 times in your mind
    and then when you make it through 
    the whole performance
    you cry
  • little things in life

     Butterflies on buttercups 
    perfect synchronization 
    ginger kittens with green eyes 
    sunshine on dewy grass
    the tiny, thin crystals of a fly's wing

    Streetlight or spotlight?
  • "crush"

    I said I liked you, 
    They said I had a crush,
    but that word has been used so many times,
    it has turned dull and dusty with age.

    My "crush" on you doesn't quite have a definiton, 
    but this is what it seems like to me:
  • what if?

    what if-
    what if-
    what if-
    so many things could happen
    only some of them will,
    and hopefully only the good ones,
    but everyone knows it doesn't go that way.
    what if-
    what if-
    what if-