Don't Be Afraid
Child, your future is best left unspoiled, so I may be too vague, or not vague enough. Don’t be afraid of the contents within this letter . . .
Tides Vs. Trembles
A giant stares down to sea –
in its entirety.
Until the rising waves
make crests like mountains,
move like mountains,
Lonely After Death
I await you in the open grass.
The rolling plains roam my mind.
Dark-swept winds claw the horizon,
Damp with the promises you left unanswered.
Meeting Place
Meet me at the River’s End
where waters slow and sink
where bank gives way to the bottomless depths
below the siren’s screams
Meet me in the Mountain Shade
That World is Now
My oldest friend,
so old and almost forgotten, golden memories like her gleaming leaves disconnecting, dying, decaying in the brown of the brush below.
An even number
A prime number
17 times
I can't count it on one hand
Not on two
Not even with my toes
And with a list of 34 felonies
We still elect
A convicted felon
My Little Sister
My little sister
Only 7 years old
And yet strong willed
She will grow up
In this country
With this president
This person who calls himself
Today I've walked around school in a haze
I don't know what to do
How to feel
I don't understand
How he won again
I don't think I want to understand
On the Election, Our Future, and Additional Resources for Support
Hello writers, artists, friends, and fellow members!
Someone and the Stranger
"I have a story to tell."
The bench is cold as glass and the fog strings its way across the street,
an engulfing mass of smokey water.
The bus is late.