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  • By wildcat

    That one little leaf

    I saw a solitary orange-brown leaf clinging to a lonely sapling —
    And was sure that it would fall —
    But it hung on even as its fellow leaves descended to the forest floor —

  • Floating

    What would it be like to float through this world,
    a wisp of the wind,
    a little breeze,
    never staying long enough to care,
    never leaving fast enough to not,
    traveling but not seeing,
    only blue skies, 

  • By star


    The blue sky soars with promise
    School can barely even count as school
    and before I know it
    it's over,
    an end
    and yet a beginning all the same.
    And then it's full of
    jumping into the pool
  • Little Red Rainboots

    A warm wind blows
    through blooming birch trees.
    Specks of green sprinkle the barren wasteland
    that winter left in its wicked wake. 

    Snow slowly melts from its resting place,
    drip, drip, dripping into puddles.