My heart is quite like yours
Sometimes I forget to trust it
Sometimes it works faster than my brain
My tears are quite like yours
I get sad just like you
And then I curl up in bed
Waiting for it to pass
My voice is quite like yours
I speak what I can
And then I just think everything else
Sometimes my words are absorbed
Sometimes they just bounce off others’ ears
My wishes are quite like yours
That I want everything to just be okay
And that I want life to go back to normal
I just want to let you know
That I know we have our differences
But we are going to get through this
Sometimes I forget to trust it
Sometimes it works faster than my brain
My tears are quite like yours
I get sad just like you
And then I curl up in bed
Waiting for it to pass
My voice is quite like yours
I speak what I can
And then I just think everything else
Sometimes my words are absorbed
Sometimes they just bounce off others’ ears
My wishes are quite like yours
That I want everything to just be okay
And that I want life to go back to normal
I just want to let you know
That I know we have our differences
But we are going to get through this
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