“You’re So Mature.”

Most adults think I’m ‘mature’ for my age.
They say it like it’s some reward,
like I’ll get a Medal of Honor for being so mature
for the very little years I’ve spent on this planet, I call home. 
They say it like it’s a compliment, but I couldn’t disagree more. 
It feels more like a curse, a burden, even.
Being told you’re more mature, or more ‘grown up’ than most kids my age,
Isn't what I want to hear, I feel as if that cuts me off from the rest of my peers.
Singling me out as some special teen.
Every time I’m told that, I can only ask myself;
‘Why do adults think that’s such a compliment?’
Most of my peers think I’m boring because of it.  
Being told I’m ‘so mature,’ doesn’t make me feel grown up.
Instead, it makes me feel more like a circus animal.



16 years old