You Are Real and I Couldn't be Happier

I have to keep reminding myself that this is real
I have to keep reminding myself that you are real, and that the tingle in my stomach that comes whenever you hold my hand is real 
You are not some beautiful fragment of my imagination, and you are not a pleasant dream that I remember
You are flesh and blood and heartbeat

I can feel your heartbeat
In your hand, and between your fingers
The fingers that so casually laced themselves between mine and stayed there.
The fingers that traced shapes on my face and stroked my hair
The fingers that effortlessly made art that still takes my breath away

Your hands are warm, like my face when you come within my vision 
Your hands are strong, so when I squeeze one when I'm frightened you squeeze back and whisper "it's okay"
Your hands reveal what you don't say, and your hands speak more loudly than you ever do
Your hands find me, and you curl your fingers between mine and my stomach melts and I stop paying attention to the movie we're watching

In this broken, dying world, it's hard to remember that you are still real
You are flesh and blood and heartbeat and pure and opinionated
I didn't dream you up and you really did rest your head on mine when I almost slept on your shoulder
Your name runs through my head again and again, forming a rythm far more beautiful than any song

And the incredible thing is that you are real. 
You are here, with your long fingers and soft shoulder
You are here with your fantastic ideas and brilliant insults

All day I've had to repeat to myself that you are real and this is real and what you did was real and what I said was real
You are too lovely for this aching world

"I love you" isn't strong enough.
It's overused and it can't possibly show how ridiculously happy you make me feel when you walk by
"I love you" can never see what you do to my stomach and the tingling warmth that spreads through my entire body when you say something sweet
"I love you" can never understand that you are too wonderful for something that is said everyday
The English language cannot show how perfect and sweet and smart you are and how you make me feel
So I'll say it for lack of a better phrase:
I love you



19 years old

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