YOU are going to die

              As I saw the graphite on that piece of paper, spelling out the last five words, I wanted more than anything to wake up in my bed realizing this was just a dream. It wasn't though, this was actually happening. I knew it would come around at one point but not this soon. I wanted to scream as loud as I could so that this horrible fate would go away. I wanted to curl up in a ball and block everyone and everything out until it happened. I wanted to apoligize to Liana, say goodbye to my girlfriend, tell my family I was gay, and most of all punch Vivian in the face for what she'd done. I didn't know what the next step was. Maybe I could avoid it, avoid the furture. The one thing that stumped me the most was why would someone tell me this? Or was this just someone who was trying to pull a funny prank on me? It probalay was Vivian trying to get back at me because I called her a bad word. Nevertheless I was scared out of my freaking mind, because I only had two hours. I couldn't say what I want to say in that amount of time. I can't check off everything on my bucket list. I'm don't even have my drivers lisense or even had my first kiss. There are so many things that I can't do in two hours that I wish I could. I needed to talk to Liana first. I owed her an apology because I know today, that if Vivian was in the same situation as I am she would apoligize to me, because we need our last act to be kind. We don't want everyone knowing that we were a bad person and didn't apoligize to the people we hurt the most. I needed to do the right thing for the first time in my short life. I need to ask everybody one question and I am writing this so that people will here me and answer because this just doesn't happen to anyone. So be kind, apoligize, be honest, and live everyday like its your last. Live everyday as if in two hours YOU are going to die. 



15 years old

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