In this world we are all finches

in this world we are all finches

we all line up on the branch like soldiers side by side

ready to sing our hearts out for the hummingbird sitting by herself on the branch above

sing, she says to us

we sing, hesitating not once to speak our feelings

dance, she says to us  

so we dance, conveying our emotions through our movements

love, she says to us

and so we love, expressing our affection for her   

the dashing finches have worked so hard to win her love

but she must choose one

only one

but you see it is not fair to choose

how do you choose the one even though we are all equally eloquent?

you can’t 

for the finch who is the strongest

who has the voice which can reach all to hear

who has the ability to sing the loudest and the longest and the hardest

will be the true victor

thus the passion of those finches is wasted 

why must it be like this? 

why can’t all our efforts be recognized?

why can’t everyone win?

perhaps this is love’s ultimate curse

the obsession of one person makes us all go mad

only to see our hard work go to waste when that person is in union with another



YWP Alumni

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