In the Woods

Perhaps, I underestimated the journey.  Elves. What was I thinking? I run my hand through the stream that mirrors the landscape above. Looking back at the hand that skidded through the water, it isn’t wet at all. Instead, there is a brilliant purple shimmer on my hands. Some sort of powder-or dust. Fairy dust. My thumb meets my forefinger, and rubs the shimmery dust between the two. Oh, they have to be here. 
I wade into the water, attracting all the fairy dust onto the lower half of my body. I hope that they are in the water, or the fairy dust could at least lead me there. I wait. The purple fairy dust has covered some of my legs and entirely engulfed my hands. Slowly, I rise. My legs and hands are elevated the most, the rest of my body reluctantly rises with them. I laugh, almost maniacally. But suddenly the laughter ceases. I am in incredible danger.
A cold, pointed silver spear is resting far too close to my throat. A strangled cry for help escapes my lips. The spear is now waiting to pierce my flesh. 
“I will deal with it, Barthia.” No, no, no. I do not want either Barthia or whoever is speaking to deal with it. I am it. Or at least I think so.  
The only view to me is the blue sky, as I am levitating in the air with a spear on my neck. I assume my fairy dust will soon fade and I will fall into the sharp weapon. My death is a matter of seconds away. 

“The spear will kill her right away.” says a shockingly cold voice near my ear. 

“No need. If she dies, humans will come looking. We do not want humans here.” Someone (or something) exhales near me.

Suddenly, I fall. The fairy dust has failed me. I expect fatal wounds, pain and the smell of blood. But the spear is on the mossy floor, not in me. 
I look up to a crowd of people. No, not people. More like...creatures or gods. Elves! None of them have any definition of being male or female. They have long, pointed ears, sharp cut eyes and lightly colored lips. Long shiny hair pours out of heads that are the same level, with every creature the same height. I see silver armor surrounding their bodies, which vary different tones, some even pale colors like green or pink . 
“I-” No more words leave my cracked lips. A tall being, draped in a silvery robe instead of armor is walking towards me. They have wings which none of the others bear. 

“Where have you come from?” says the elf with wings. The same voice that told Barthia to release the spear.
“Earth.” I manage. Some of the elves laugh loudly. 

The winged elf doesn’t laugh with the others. Instead they say “This is Earth. We are all from Earth.” I notice a thin silver crown, which seems to be more of an installment of the elf instead of an accessory. There is a blue stone that glows powerfully in the crown. No other elves wear a crown like this. I assume that the tall elf with wings is their leader. 

“Oh. Er- Maine.” When the winged elf doesn’t respond, I say “I mean no harm, I came to go exploring. I won’t report your existence if you let me live, I swear- ”

“It is not a question of if we can trust you, you are human.” says a pale green elf. 

An elf with silver hair and copper skin speaks to the pale green elf. “Maleck, when we give her to the fairies, make sure they don’t take too much pity on her, she is a threat.”And suddenly I find myself in a brighter place, filled with buzz and comotion. A blurry creature is coming towards me fast, and I flinch, scared of attack. Where am I? TO BE CONTINUED....



16 years old

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