The womyn in the hallway

When you met her 
In the hallway at your workplace
You shook her hand,
You smiled, and asked her name,
You complimented her dress 
And the color of her nails
And you told her 
How nice it was to meet her
But that you were running late 
For your next board meeting.
Then you walked away 
And never saw her again. 

You never thought about her either.
Well, perhaps just once
After your "board meeting."
You chuckled privately at her ugly dress,
Her hideous nail polish,
And the fact that you didn't
Even remember her name,
But that is all.
You never once realized 
That you didn't look into her eyes,
Not once.
Not once did you see fit 
To give her those three seconds of your life.
Not once did you see fit 
To give her anything more
Than an empty compliment 
And a condescending smile.
She just wasn't worth your notice.

Or was she?



18 years old

More by flowersinherhair

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    you are what i think
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    so very beautiful.
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