The Wishing Well

Wandering through the sprawling palace gardens, I absentmindedly twirled a daisy between my fingers. It was a Sunday, which meant I was free from royal duties until the evening. Of course, if anyone were to find me out here, in all my bare footed, grass-stained, tangled-haired glory, my peaceful afternoon would be snatched away in an instant. 

A rustling sound approached from behind a giant rose bush, and I sprang into a sprint. I darted through hedges and over clumps of flowers, resembling a gazelle much more than a princess (or so I assumed).

When I finally slowed, panting for breath with my skirt ripped beyond repair, I was in a part of the gardens I had yet to explore. Glancing about, I took in the towering oak trees and clusters of sleepy daffodils. A narrow trail stretched before me, splitting off in two directions. The one on my right curved around the corner into a copse of eucalyptus trees, while the other meandered across a sunny green field scattered with daisies.

As I stood pondering my options, I heard the sound of distant voices heading my way. For all I knew, they were a search party out looking for me. My mind made up, I dashed down the path leading right, knowing that a princess would always be expected to choose the pretty meadow.

After what felt like hours of trees and shadows and the crunching of dried leaves beneath my feet, I emerged into a grassy, emerald-green clearing. In the very center stood a crumbling old well with a rusted plaque on the side. I moved forward cautiously, and the strangest thing happened. I heard voices. But they weren’t coming from behind me, or even anywhere near me. They were coming from the well. Leaning forward, I peered down into its dark depths. 

I could see nothing, but the whispered echoes gradually became clearer, and I could just make out a few scattered phrases. There was one that kept recurring, over and over and over again. Make a wish, make a wish, make a wish, it chanted, melodic and alluring. I felt a strange pull towards the well, and a sudden desire to make a wish. 

I had no coins to throw, so I slipped off one of my rings and held it out over the gaping mouth of the well. I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated on my wish. Please let it come true. Inhaling deeply, I released the ring and let it fall into the grasp of the waiting shadows.

At first, nothing happened. Then, a faint tingling assaulted my fingers, slowly spreading throughout my body. As quickly as it happened, the sensation was gone, and everything was still. With a sigh, I turned and started back towards home. 

At the edge of the clearing, I turned back. This time, my gaze landed on the plaque. Squinting, I could just make out the warning engraved across it: Be careful what you wish for.



15 years old