Winter in Vermont

Winter in Vermont. Most people find it so beautiful, saying they have never seen anything like it. Well the truth is it can be beautiful but….shoveling snow in negative fifteen degree weather with the wind blowing around, or having to move firewood so that your house will be warm. Yeah, that's the stuff that makes winter suck. There's Christmas, hot cocoa, and other things but that is not what winter is to me. 

    Winter to me starts with soccer coming to an end and basketball starting. It’s also hunting season coming to an end and ice fishing and skiing beginning. Smash the frozen jack-o-lanterns and put them in the tractor bucket. Put up the lights and the wreaths. It starts to snow but the ground is not cold enough for the snow to stay on the ground. There's still more. You have to pull the plants from the garden and cut back the flowers for the winter.

    Then Christmas. You’ve got to love it. But when you live in the middle of nowhere (Vermont) you have a store in town to go shopping Farm Way. Of course you can drive far away to go shopping but you don’t always have time. Depending on how hard the winter is you might not make it out of your driveway to go and see family Christmas day. Then the New Year (hopefully better than 2020). In my household we lit the bonfire that took all year to build up. Meanwhile you spend all your free time skiing down a mountain or playing basketball because there is nothing else to do. 

    Those were the fun things. Let's talk about the weather. You either have no snow and the views look like a blank canvas or you get so much snow that the least favorite chores are to plow the driveway, shovel a path to the cars and clean off the roovess. But don’t forget! If you live on a backroad you're one of the last roads to get plowed in the mornings and at night. Closer to the spring you have the sugaring season where you make what Vermont is best known for maple syrup. Yeah, winter in Vermont can be beautiful and fun but...not really unless you really love freezing your butt off, ice fishing, skiing, or playing basketball.




18 years old

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