Winter For Me

Get up early in the morning,

Ready to go back to bed 

Knowing you have a full day of fun ahead 

Grabbing all your gear and loading it into the car

The sun is up and bright, forcing you to get going

Getting into the car for the ride to destination

You have arrived! You can see the chairlift moving and you can’t wait to hit the slopes

Unload everything from the car. Bring your gear to the lodge

You are so excited. You rush to get your snow gear on. You almost forget that you need a ticket

Finally you are on the chairlift, going up the mountain

In all the rush, you forgot that the top is colder and you wish you had more layers

You spend hours out on the mountain

What a beautiful day to go skiing 

It was so nice, you forgot to eat and you didn’t notice your legs are like a wet noodle

It's the end of the day. You go back to the lodge and warm air on your cold cheeks stings 

Load all your gear back into the car to go home

At the end of day it was worth, it but you can’t wait to go back to bed 




18 years old

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