A Windy Day

We were going trick-or-treating, and the wind started going like eighty billion miles per hour but then it started to rain, so we turned around and went back. We couldn’t hold up our umbrellas. We were almost flying away! So we drove home. I couldn’t go to sleep, because the wind was so loud and because my dog was barking at the howling wind. So I went downstairs and fell asleep on the couch. Two hours later, the power was flickering, which I knew because Alexa kept going on and off. Then the power went out. 
I start to wonder if school was going to be canceled. I had mixed feelings about this. I sort of wanted school to be canceled because I was supposed to give a presentation in French class and I was nervous about that. I sort of didn’t want school to be canceled because I wanted to see all my friends. At six o’clock I went upstairs to my parents’ room to see if they’d heard about school. They hadn’t yet. My mom said we could go downstairs and check if they had an estimate for when the power would be back on. When I was coming down the stairs, I held onto the railing with my arm and the rest of me fell down the stairs. Ouch, that hurt! 

We tried to go to the hospital, but all of the roads were closed because the trees were down. It ended up taking us 45 minutes to get to Lebanon, but we got there. I went in and got an x-ray. It took 20 minutes for them to get it back from the radiologist. They said that I had broken my collar bone. 
In the end, I was glad that school was canceled, even though I still wanted to see my friends. And I would rather have given my French poster than broken my collarbone. 

The events of the day totally set me up for a not so good kind of week. For example, I could not get to sleep because I was in a lot of pain. When things go not according to plan it just gets me all messed up.  Sometimes change is not the best.


Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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