Why I love the dark


I love the dark. 

Ever since I was little I have loved it. 

This is a lot different than most kids, let alone most people, but the dark has always made me feel the opposite of when people feel when they are in it, which happens to be safe. When I turn off my lights at night, and I am all wrapped up in my blankets and my flannel sheets, that is my favorite part of the day. 

Just being alone in the darkness.

I often look out my window at the stars and just think about the world, which currently I can’t do too much thinking about the world or otherwise I feel kind of sad. 

But on clear nights there will be stars and I am looking out my window at the dark sky only lit up from the small stars because street lights simply don’t exist where I live, I look to find the brightest star. 

This is the only light I love seeing every night. 

The reason I look for the brightest star is because when I was younger, and my great grandma died my mom told me that the brightest star in the sky was her, and that was my sign that she was watching over me. 

It makes me feel safe in the dark when I’m just sitting there looking at the stars. 

That is my calm version of why I like night, but my other reason is, at night, no one cares. Everyone knows that in a few hours it will be the next day. Things at night make me feel happy, like dances with my friends where in that moment the only thing we are thinking about is what the next song will be. We are happy and free, and we forget about the things that overtake our minds when the sun is shining through the clouds, into our small world. 

People at night, talk about things that we wouldn’t during the day. 

You are more vulnerable at night, which can either be an amazing thing or a terrible thing. But in the end, vulnerability is just what you make of it, and so is, the dark.



18 years old

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