To love is to hurt
It is to cry and scream and kick and shout
We are pulled in all directions when it comes to love
Our hearts snap in half like a frail stick
But love itself, is everywhere
It blankets the earth like a shawl
Providing warmth when words turn cold
We can always look to the perspective of love
But it is far more difficult to be at the short end of the stick
When it comes to loving someone who does not reciprocate,
We crumble
One might say we accept the love we believe we deserve
Rather than seek the love we desire
But that is the beauty of it's uncertainty
Love is unpredictable
To love is to hurt
But it is also to feel
It is to cry and scream and kick and shout
We are pulled in all directions when it comes to love
Our hearts snap in half like a frail stick
But love itself, is everywhere
It blankets the earth like a shawl
Providing warmth when words turn cold
We can always look to the perspective of love
But it is far more difficult to be at the short end of the stick
When it comes to loving someone who does not reciprocate,
We crumble
One might say we accept the love we believe we deserve
Rather than seek the love we desire
But that is the beauty of it's uncertainty
Love is unpredictable
To love is to hurt
But it is also to feel
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