What my cat thinks

My human has a blaring alarm at 6AM, I am mad, I still have six more hours of sleep. After 30 minutes my human peted me and got out of his bed. I make a move to follow him but I fall asleep on the way. When I wake up he is gone but I don't care, it's time to eat. I eat too fast and end up throwing up. It has been happening recently so it's fine. I end up falling asleep under the couch. I hear my human come in through the door and he starts to call my name. I come out to greet him. He has a cage next to him and a blanket in his hands. He raps me up like a burrito being a burrito would be a nice life. But then he does something I will never forgive him for, HE PUTS ME IN THE CAGE, how rude. He put me in the car and rushed to wherever we were going. My Hope was that he was going up to the pet store or groomer. But he only rushed to one place and that one place... I hated... the vet. See my human gets worried for no reason, for instance one time I ate a Lego and he rushed me there for no reason. I was trying to think what stupid thing would a human be worrying over. Maybe it's throwing up my food but I don't think that's it.  Anyway, about 5 minutes later he rushed me in. It was indeed my worst nightmare, the vet. I immediately start protesting but I can’t do much since I am still in the cage. Eventually he let me out of the cage. I started to sprent to the nearest exit, but I was caught, I AM MAD. They have three people holding me down while they poke and prod in several different places. Finally, they  wrap me up in a burrito again, put me back in the cage and my human drives me home. We get home and he tries to get me to eat some treats, I am not interested. I want to sleep, I go to sleep. Night nights.



18 years old

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