What Happens?

What happens when we all lose hope?  
When we stop believing that it'll all work out? 
What happens then? 

What happened to the boy who believed in you? 
But you let him down 
Who is he now? 

What happened to everything you said you stood for? 
But when asked by someone besides me 
You let those pillars fall, 
Taking with them my respect for you.  

What happens in the end? 
When we all stop believing 
That something will happen, then 
What happens? 



14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • A piece of my past

    "After time passes it'll hurt less" 
    But it never did 

    "Just forget it, it was so long ago"
    But you told me always to remember 

    And each and every day 
    A little reminder in my eyes 

  • I'll miss you

    I'll miss you 

    I'll miss you every time I hear that song 
    And every time I feel the need to tell someone something 
    That I know they don't need to hear

    I'll miss you every fall 
    And every winter