Wednesday November 6th 2024

Driving down dirt roads

Ten miles per hour over the speed limit


Slowing down

Tapping my foot to my new depression playlist 


Not quite strong enough to cry

Stuck behind my eyes


“How much harm can he do in four years?”

“A lot,” Caroline quietly interrupts.

I believe her

She knows about politics 

The tears are ready to come out now

I suck my thumb instead

My class will understand

I haven’t sucked my thumb since 

Wednesday November 9th 2016

In the gender neutral bathroom

I cry

I’m too old to be a cockeyed optimist


Someone says hi

My old English teacher

“How are you?”

he asks

I consider telling the truth

Just for today

He must be feeling the same way

My training takes over though 

“Good, how are you?”

He must be able to tell from the clear tear tracks 

And my red tainted eyes

That I’m lying 

“I’m ok,” he calmly replies. “I’m looking for my dog.”

“What kind of dog do you have?”

“She’s a black lab. You've probably seen her around here before.”

“Yeah, I think I have.”

He turns to walk one way 

I turn the other 

“Well, I tried,” he sighs.

I’m not sure we’re talking about the dog anymore.


Posted in response to the challenge Post-Election.



18 years old

More by Chickengirl