We Are All Imperfect

we are doomed to live a life of longing,

suffering from the pictures of ourselves in mind and body about what we look like and how we act

and in our end we will be longing to have lived a fuller version of the time we had,

without haunting ourselves.

we will look at all the ways we sat around and wasted time crying over our wounds

and fussed over our choices

and bothered over our bodies because we were too hard on ourselves

we will never understand that we are all imperfect

our vessels will carry us through but just like any lifeless ship,

we will either wear out,

or crash into the rocks



16 years old

More by Marzapan

  • Ineffable

    As powerful as words can be,

    there are some moments,

    some feelings,

    When just trying to define them-

    To tether them to the words that can be so powerful-

  • Who we are

    You may stand up on a pedestal and teach people about life if that makes you whole.

    Perhaps it will make another whole to listen

    You can be wise and filled with deception all the same.

  • Full

    Beautiful minds.

    Hearts burst.

    Filled up,

    Slowly bled dry

    Bled “safe”

    Become functioning once more,
