Valentines Day

When asked what your favorite and least favorite holidays are, what are your answers?  I don’t know about you but I for sure, have an immediate answer. Valentine’s Day. I hate it. I have my reasons. People will say, “Oh, you’ve never had someone to love.” No, I hate it because I see no reason to ask a person to be your valentine for one day, give them chocolates after all you are too scared to look them in the eyes on any of the other 364 days of the year, and tell someone you like them. Also the card, chocolate, and flower companies don’t make enough money throughout the year? It doesn’t make sense to have a specific day of the year to tell someone that you are interested in them. 

Most people will say I don’t agree with the holiday because I’ve never been asked to be someone’s valentine or that I don’t believe in love. I have never cared to be asked to be someone’s valentine and also love can be real. I just don’t agree with the fact that there has to be a day where everyone that's too scared to make a move any other day has a chance. And yes love is love but if you are only told that someone loves you because of the date then maybe that person is a little too scared and doesn’t have real feelings for and should rethink their decisions. The first reason I hate Valentine's Day is that it is just an excuse for the people that are scared to ask their crush out any other day of the year.

    Money. Having a Valentine costs money. People spend money on cards, flowers, and candy. Great, you love someone, get them a little gift and tell them that. Think about it though. You spend that money and where does it go? The money goes to the companies selling these things. I understand that that’s why the companies make the things they do, but the whole point of marketing is to get people to buy things. It’s a joke. The chocolates are gross. The teddy bears, sure they’re cute, but red and pink clash, and they get dirty. Every single year people fall for marketing and get their significant other something for Valentine’s Day. Sure it’s cute it’s the thought that counts. Probably by now, you know the second reason I hate Valentine’s Day. The big companies out there that don’t need more money get even more for some dumb holiday. 

    All in all, my opinion is that Valentine’s Day is useless. I’m not one for the lovey-dovey stuff and I don’t like wasting money on something that is going to go in the trash in the next few days. Call me cold-hearted or whatever you want, it’s simply my opinion. Now don’t get me wrong, people can do whatever they want on Valentine’s Day but for me, it’s just another day.




18 years old

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