
You'll learn quickly that this world isn't for the weak,

It's a storm that will drown you if you don't know how to swim,

So learn quickly!


It is only a matter of time until you learn,

And you'll see the harsh truths of life.

Don't let the sun set on your story, 

For it is not your time yet.


Dawn will arrive soon and you will leave,

But remember the lessons that you've learned.

You must think wisely and survive. 


Never apologize for surviving,

You did what you had to do.

You will learn quickly that,

Leaving is easy but staying and fighting is hard. 


Your scars are your armor,

Wear it with pride because it shows resilience,

It shows the battles you've won and will win.


You survived.

Dont. Ever. Apologize. For. Surviving. 

Posted in response to the challenge Second.



17 years old

More by A.R

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    Silent Thoughts

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    I watch from afar, lost in a sea of the bittersweet feeling 

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  • Poetry

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    Never caring what others might think of me, 

    Never did I once stop thinking about those

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  • Poetry

    By A.R

    If Only

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