The Unanswerable Question

A single tree stands,
Where there once was thousands.
Millions of people stand,
Where there once was thousands.
We tear down the rainforests,
To make room for cattle farms.
But it's alright, right?
We love hamburgers and beef,
Without those cows,
What would we do?
So, we assure ourselves,
It's all for the greater good.
But temperatures are rising! 
No, they aren't! Global Warming isn't real!
But ice caps are melting!
No, they aren't! Stop being silly.
But sea levels are rising!
Why would they do that? It's just an extra-long high tide.
But species are going extinct! But Jellyfish populations are exploding!
But it's getting hotter every year! But there's more snow every winter!
But the proof is undeniable! There is overwhelming evidence!
​So fix it.
You are the ones who know what you are doing!
You are the ones who know the science behind it!
So learn it. 
You are giving us,
A messed up Earth,
And telling us that it's our problem.
We are just kids!
Why are we wondering if our water is clean?
Why is there a hole in our Ozone Layer?
Why are Women deemed 'inferior'?
Why is this broken Earth our job to fix?
WE aren't the ones who broke it.
That is the unanswerable question,
Trillionaires, Billionaires, Millionaires, 
If you expect us to fix the world, 
You can't be telling us we have no funds to do it with.




16 years old

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