
I do not write happy things.

Today I will.


Today I will breathe

ignore the sick feeling growing

in the back of my throat.


Today I will drink water

feel it burn the raw throat

I have. 


Today I will lie down

let this feeling of something

lie down with me.


Today I will be calm

and cool

and remember that it is okay

to quit

to stop

to breathe.



Drink water

Lie down


Go through the motions like a ghost

Today I will be a ghost-like

creature on the wall

Calm and quiet and watching


Tomorrow I will be sick

Pneumonia or strep or maybe

the black death

but today

Today I will be happy. 



15 years old

More by twoblueviolets

  • The Beginning

    And then there were Two.

    There was Nothing and there were Two and they were not in love. Love was not a thing yet, there was Nothing.

    One said to the other, "I've discovered I can say words."

  • Untitled

    You play electric guitar

    I play acoustic


    Neither of us are very good.

    I know a few chords,

    I played the chorus of 505 for you


    You told me to "get Weezered"