These robbers walk into a Store...

Rising: Two robbers enter a bagle shop. They roll in, and spend a few moments execcuting random ninja moves. Once they are sure no one is there, they becon off stag were a third robber enters, this one stumbles in and trips over a chair. they all flintch.

Bro:  (in an angry wisper) Yo! Sawyer! can you please be a bit more quite. 

Saywer: Yeah yeah, sorry. 
(He stands up the chair carefully)

Bro: Great. Don't move. (Gives Saywer a glare)
(saywer nods)

Sawyer: (marveling) Wow. So this is what robbing a bank feels like. Its scary.

Bro: (looking through a window off stage) Yea, well. Amatures are always scared on there first robbery. Vic and I have been doing this a while.

Vic: (typing on computer, without looking up) 2 months of stealing tip jars is not hard core robbery.

Bro: Uh, yea it is. And we've stolen other things

Vic: Taking more than one free sample is also not a robbery.

Sawyer: How do uou even see?! Its so dark I can't see a thing. (steps backwards and knocks over the same chair)


Sawyer: Sorry. (Stands chair up) So... when can we start! I'm ready to smash things!

Bro: First victoria has to hack the security cameras.

Sawyer: So you don't get caught. (proudly) 

Bro: Thats how you do it. We stole 3 cars with this system

(Sawyer gasps)

Vic: Bro knocked over a stand of match box cars and found three is his hoodie. 

Bro: Detials, details. (stands next to sawyer) But  we've had other hard core robberies.

Vic: Stealing pens from the bank is also not stealing. 

Bro: (whining) Yes it is. They're on chains. 

Vic: (looking at a watch) We have roughly 10 minuets to get the money from the tip jar. Break the cash box and take that money. And, find that secrete safe with the extra money. And get out without being caught by the cops

Sawyer: You forgot the part where we throw the money in the air.

Bro: No body does that.

Sawyer: everybody does that!

Bro: Only in the cheesy movies

Sawyer: They'er not cheesy. Its a classic

Vic: (snapping fingers) Lets focus boys! 

Vic: OK. The system is hacked!

Bro: Lets go steal some money.



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