Tears for the Reefs

Today I cried.
I cried because my teacher sat down my class and made us watch a documentary on how we are killing coral reefs.
It showed pictures of beautiful plants and animals thirty years ago
Then showed us pictures of dead coral skeletons that were white against the murky ocean.
They told us that we could fix it and make the coral come back alive
But it still won't be the same.
Did you know that if it were not for the ocean
Our daily tempratures would be over 100 degress Farenheit?
I teared up at a photo of nothing.
The coral was just dead. 
It looked like someone had thrown litter there and never taken it out.
Climate change.
That's what's causing this.
Our oceans are warming because of all the carbon in the air
And we are killing animals.
It is highly frowned upon in our society to kill thousands of people.
But the ironic thing is that humans are killing animals and plants every day.
So much destruction.
Does this make me a murderer?
A bad person?
But at least I recognize the problems.
Thinking about it now
I don't think I was crying that the reefs are dying.
I was crying because we are not working hard enough to save them.



19 years old

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