Teacher, Mentor, Friend

All words that describe
What you ar to me

Teacher you,
Using perfect articulation
Captivating my attention
I yearn for your words
To burrow deep within my brain
Information I need 
Forever to be remembered
Waving hands and silly face expressions
Make an enthralling class 
Laughter can be heard 
From the class nextdoor 
Those special moments 
I hold close
Rewatching till warm tears of joy
Start slipping down my cheek
Ms.Osborne you are one of the best teachers ever!
Don’t let ayone tell you any different.

Mentor you,
There for me during my journey
Encouraging words seem to come easily 
Always upon the tip of your tounge
They act as my brace
Assisting me where I am weak
Your praise 
Pit stops along the way
Where I reflect
Praising myself for how far I’ve come
Knowing when to push me harder
I strive to accomplish 
Every challenge thrown my way
When a task to heavy
Pulls me down
You are right there
Taking on some of the weight
I have climbed to new heights with you by my side
The journey is not over yet
I grab for your helping hand
As we climb on.

Friend you,
Relaxed, kind demeanor
Ready to share 
Your experiences
Reading lists
Book Reviews and much more
There to listen
When I speak
What I say matters
Even what I did over the weekend
We always find something to talk about
Inside jokes 
Will never cease to exist between us
Giggles erupt from our lips
Others looking at us like we are crazy
Its worth it
Love for literature we have in common
A constant conversation topic
Being able to come to you for suggestions
Favorites, etc.
My writing pieces
Are of interest to you
Even when its not for a grade
I’m forever thankful to have you as my friend.

You are to me
I appreciate you 
And all that you do
Thank you
Just thank you

Dedicated to my english teacher Ms.Osborne. Happy teacher appreciation week. Also you are just plain amazing!!!



17 years old

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