I grew up in a world surrounded by love
Hugs in the morning and kisses before bed
Fears shared out loud
Tears wiped away by a warm hand
Walks among the trees every single weekend
Art filled my life
And I was happy.
I am in a world surrounded by love
Friendship kept for years
Laughter in the evenings over dinner
Homework finished at the dining room table
Slowly achieving new dreams as I grow closer to 18.
And yet…
I’m becoming someone
I’m not always proud to be
Always tired from nights tossing and turning
Never able to shut off a brain
Determined to remind me of all my fears
Not brave enough to handle the tasks that come with being older
Too much homework ignored
Over reading that comic that reminds me
Of the boy I used to love
And now no longer call my own.
And yet …
I’m growing into who I am
Learning who I want to be one day
Becoming the girl who knows what’s right
And fights for the injustice we face
And screams at night at the wrongs
And loves her friends more than herself
And writes poetry to feel something other than a repeating life
Of school and homework and dinner and not getting enough sleep.
And yet…
Even at 17 she still is surrounded by love
That’s just changed shape.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
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