The Sun And The Moon

[Art by cedar]

The sun and the moon were hanging out in the sky. The moon basked in a bath of cool stars, while the sun let dark matter shift across it's surface, calming the sunspots that's flaired every once in a while, especially when she got angry. The had always been near neighbors, but the moon was more caught up in watching the esrthlings play, and the sun preferred gossiping with passing asteroids to his company. Bored with the lack of astroids, though, the sun decided to start up a conversation. 
"Did you hear that Mars gave up control of the Earth?" She asked, leading with a bit of gossip. "You and I have full custody, now. He claimed it was because he wanted to focus more on personal projects, but I heard from Venus that he's really dating one of his moons."
 The moon stayed silent, not drawn in by this idle chat.
"What should we do with it?" She asked, returning to the subject of the Earth. "I'm leaning towards baking them slowly, turning up the heat every once in a while, you know? Deap fry could also work, though. All that gas they're producing makes great garnish. At least, that's what I hear."
"I think we should help them." He was quiet, but you couldn't miss the moon's voice in a crowd. Soft and silky, but a bit hesitant tonight. "They don't have much, you know. Just a little brilliance mixed with power and greed. I like watching them," He continued, gazing at the distant green and blue sphere. "Look at those kids, not knowing if their future is on a different planet, or in their own homes, surrounded by chemicals they can't control. How well they handle it."
The sun was unsure what to say. She had never had to have a serious conversation by necessity, never had parents or older friends to guide her towards maturity. She told herself this was good, a way to stay fresh and young, but that was a facade. 
"Well, I have heard that Mars is seriously considering throwing a full blown storm to keep them off," she answered, trying to lighten the mood. She'd never heard the moon utter more than a few words, and she was a bit startled, to say the least.
 "Stop." The word startled her, a stern hand in her path. "Just stop." he repeated, anger slowly brimming beneath his craters. "I can't flare like you, but I can be angry. Those people have done nothing to deserve this. Nothing. They have caused their own problems for centuries. Don't cause more." The sun was full-blown shocked.
"But- the things they've done-" she stuttered, almost at a loss for words. 
"They can fix themselves if they really care enough." He answered, eyes ablaze with laser-like intensity. "If not, it is their own fault. But don't cause a demise they could take care of themselves." The sun was enraged. She burned brighter, stronger. Not many -any!- crossed her, and she was not used to this humiliation. She did not like it. Oh, she loathed it! She could have stepped back here, stepped back, and let the conversation end. Accepted that her idea was unfair. She struggled with this choice, but this time, her past won over her future.
"Fine, if that's how you feel, you can watch them." She told him, advancing toward the Earth. You can watch them- watch them struggle to live. Watch them hold one another up until the whole tower breaks down. Watch them try to tape back together the things they ripped apart, and watch the tape rip, too! And you will watch," her voice caught, but she continued. You will watch, as I burn them!" She knew, in that moment, that she was the villain. But she didn't know how to ask for help. She didn't know how to stop. "And by the way, you piece of space rock," she grit her teeth, getting the last words out. "In case you don't think they deserve to burn. They do." The moon watched as she turned her back, but there was nothing he could do. Or nothing he wanted to do enough to take that one step away from the irresistible pull of gravity. There are always some faults on both sides.



18 years old

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